By: Stuart Knight (Founder and CEO) | November 6, 2024

Collectively, millions of people around the world woke up this morning, and felt either happy or sad. If this is you, I say grow up. Not in a mean way, but in the same way I tell my daughter that she can have her ears pierced once she shows me that she’s moving in a direction of higher consciousness. If she continues throwing temper tantrums because her brother borrowed her pencil without asking, her ears will go unpierced. It’s my inadvertent way of inviting her to expand the way she sees herself in this world, and thus the responsibility that falls upon her shoulders. Today, I ask my fellow citizens of planet earth to do the same.
I offer this with love and caring when I tell you that to be angry, excited, sad or elated at the election results of the United States is to be out of touch with reality. And it’s out of touch with reality, because an emotional response to an election result can only happen if it is based on a false belief system that one person is the master of your own destiny. This simply isn’t true. As Bill Clinton once famously said, “There is a government behind the government, and I’m not the president of that one.” Whether it’s Donald Trump, or Kamala Harris, neither one of these people can dictate the outcome of your life.
I realize the knee jerk reaction to me saying this will be for others to point out things such as higher taxes, women’s right to choose, housing costs, what’s being taught in schools, climate change and more. To that I would say, “Hey! You’re better than that!” Are you really willing to hand over the agency of your life so easily to one person or political party? Come on! I’ll say it again, “You’re better than that!”
Pick any category, and you will see that you are devilishly equipped to overcome challenges, and find solutions. If housing prices go up, is there a way to choose a cheaper market to own in, pull back on those take out dinners, or find a friend to co-own with? If you don’t like what your child is learning in school, is there a way to supplement in the evening, homeschool, change schools, or start a petition with fellow parents? If your politicians suck on doing anything about global warming, are there organizations that tackle this problem that you can volunteer for to help bring about the change you want? If your state lives in the stone age, and won’t provide you with the care you need, is there a state you can travel to in order to find it? Would members of your community pitch in to help you pay for it? Are any of these things easy? Heck no! But that’s what is required of us in the face of politicians making very bad decisions on behalf of the people they are supposed to represent.

I realize that when I give these examples, some people get their knickers in a knot because they think their politicians should carry the burden of this responsibility, and that paying taxes exempts them from having to do anything about it themselves. This is something I can completely relate to because I too used to feel this way in the past. However, a day eventually came when I realized that I didn’t enjoy feeling this way anymore, and wanted to be in greater control of my life. It didn’t mean that I would stop asking my elected officials to do what’s right, but it did mean that I wasn’t going to sit back and wait for them to do it. And whatever they did or did not do, I sure as hell wasn’t going to allow myself to feel bad about the decisions they made. What a waste of energy! Instead, I decided to continue communicating my desires as a tax paying citizen, and then from there switch the greater part of my focus to controlling what I could. This simple mental reframe has allowed me to create the world I want to live in. Is it the world I dream of? No. But it’s a much better world than the one I’d be living in if I sat around complaining about what one other person did or did not do for me. And keep in mind that what I am saying is not only true for politicians, but is also true with respect to the way you feel about your boss, co-worker, friend, neighbour, husband, wife, etc. In all cases, communicate what you desire, and from there, bust your ass to build the life you want!
Whether you love them or hate them, that’s exactly what people do to become President of the United States.
Much love,

Spoken like a rich white man. The confirmation that half of Americans either don't care about my rights or actively want to take them away is a very real thing thing.
Do I give up? Absolutely not. I will keep fighting for justice for everyone, not just myself, as I always have.
But take just reeks of privilege. Trump's policies will not affect you negatively in the way that it will affect so many people. Do a little introspection.
In addition, if you have any insight into how people work, you know for a fact that talking down to them and telling them to "grow up" is one of the least effective ways to get them to change their perspective.