By: Stuart Knight (Founder and CEO) | January 15, 2025

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I was dropping my kids off at school the other day, and found myself going through the usual pleasantries I engage in on a daily basis. I said, “good morning” to the crossing guard, which is something I wish more people did. From there, I snuck up on my son’s friend as he was walking backwards down the sidewalk to give him a little scare. After that, I said hello to a family I know, while crouching down to make sure I made eye contact with the girl, who I happen to know is friends with my daughter. And then finally, on my way home, I saw a mom who I know approaching me with her son, and I surprised them with a high five, which put a smile on their faces. And then I went back to not loving myself.
I was now close to getting home, there were no more people to interact with, and I began having thoughts that weren’t loving to myself. I thought about the update to my insurance I should have done a week ago, and was beating myself up for it. I thought about my Instagram videos, and how long it’s been since I had posted there, and was feeling frustrated for not making the time. I thought about money I had been spending on business ideas that weren’t taking off as fast as I'd like them to. And so on and so on. Now, when most people have these kinds of thoughts, they see them as natural and unavoidable realities of life. We need to experience these negative feelings as a way of motivating ourselves to make positive changes right?
Well, on this particular morning, I caught myself doing this, and I thought, “Why aren’t you celebrating the person you were back there just now?”. I thought to myself, “Stuart, you are the kind of person who acknowledges the crossing guard, who jokes around with children, and who will high five a fellow parent”. When I realized that, I couldn’t help but feel good, and even feel proud of myself, which is something I so rarely do. And then all of a sudden, in my mind, I said the words, “I love you Stuart”, which to be honest, almost made me laugh out loud. Partially, because I felt a little embarrassed speaking to myself that way, and also because it felt so good to hear it that I couldn’t help but laugh.
I thought WOW, in one instant, I realized that I often don’t love myself enough. Instead of PAUSING for a moment each day to celebrate the good that I might bring to the world, I spend too much time focusing on what I haven’t accomplished, what I need to do or what I should not have done. What a dramatic irony I thought. I try my best to bring love to the world around me, and then ignore it when I manage to do it. Talk about a fast track to self inflicted suffering. And don’t get me wrong, after a speech, or a show or a video like this, I do feel good about myself, but I’m beginning to realize that it doesn’t last long enough.
I suspect the same is true for you? Are you a superstar in the eyes of certain people, but perhaps don’t give yourself the time and space to realize it? Have you done great things in the past, but focus on what you have yet to do in the future? Have you made a difference in the lives of others, but instead choose to think about all of the times when you weren’t your best? Well, if you do, you’re not alone. We all do it. But, we don’t have to. We can choose differently. We can start catching ourselves when we get into it, and start loving ourselves out of it.
Listen, we’ve all screwed up. We’re all behind schedule on something. We’ve all missed the chance to be our best at various points throughout our lives. We’ve all hurt someone, somewhere at some point in time. And that’s just us being human. But in between all of those moments, we have to remember that we’ve shared, provided, changed, supported, made time, shown up, welcomed, promoted, accepted, sacrificed, inspired, helped, listened and so much more. Most of all, in between those moments, we’ve loved.
And to me, those are more than enough reasons to love yourself. So, love yourself. Because you only get one life to do it.
Much love,

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