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A lesson from The Giant Redwoods.

By: Stuart Knight (Founder and CEO) | December 18, 2024

There isn’t one person reading this right now who hasn’t had a “jaw drop” moment at some point in their life, while watching a nature documentary.  There you are watching, as some older British man explains how two minuscule jellyfish eggs travel to the moon and back every night, eating microscopic air plankton, which helps them grow a brand new heart to replace the one they lose during the journey, and you think WTF!  How is that even possible?  Well, since I made that last bit up, it’s not possible, but the one science fact I’m about to share with you is true, and it’s about to blow your mind!

It all has to do with the Giant Redwood Tree!  If you have seen these trees up close then you know just how majestic they can be.  In fact, let me share with you a couple of facts about these trees that I think you’ll find fascinating, and then I’ll get to the really big one that I absolutely love the most.  

For starters, these trees can live for more than 2000 years, which means you could literally stand next to something that was born at around the same time as Jesus.  If that doesn’t make you say “Jesus”, I don’t know what will.  Secondly, the giant redwood can grow higher than a thirty story building.  That’s more than 320 feet, and is higher than Snoop Dogg has ever been in his life.  Thirdly, they can weigh up to 2.7 million pounds.  And I’m only saying this because I know you’re wondering, that’s the equivalent to about 27 million pairs of socks.  

I could give you more fascinating facts about the giant redwood, but here is the one that I love the most, and if you don’t agree this friendship is over!  Ha!  Kidding!  I’d obviously wait until the holidays were over to sever any friendship. :) The thing I find most interesting about the giant redwood tree is that its roots only grow about five or six feet below the surface of the ground, which leads one to asking, “How do they not fall over when the wind blows, or when Stuart gives them a push?”.  Yes, I’ve been working out.

Well, it turns out that these ingenious giants don’t just root into the ground, they also root into each other.  More specifically, they intertwine their roots with other trees up to100 feet as a strategy for holding each other up.  How awesome is that?  So, when the storms come, and the winds howl, they can withstand the elements that life throws at them.

When I learned this, I realized that we human beings have missed one of the biggest lessons that mother nature has taught us.  Instead of reaching out to intertwine our roots, we pride ourselves on our ability to “not need anyone’s help”, “do it on our own” or to be "independently successful”.  And at what cost?  Anywhere you look, it’s easy to find research showing that our anxiety, depression and stress levels going through the roof as a result.  Never before have people felt as isolated and alone as they do today.  Yet, we continue blazing down the same path, while ignoring the simple truth that we need each other.

Now, more than ever before, we need to start intertwining our roots by sharing stories, mutual dreams and shared losses.  Regardless of another person’s skin colour, sexual orientation, job title or religious affiliation, we need to connect, because the storms can't touch you when you're living above the clouds.

Much love,


PS. Are you ready to expand your life in profound ways in 2025, by joining forces with other connection crusaders?  Our next meeting is on February 3rd, at 7pm on Zoom, so be part of a quickly growing group of like minded people who are committing to having meaningful conversations each month with a stranger.  Don’t miss this chance to meet new people, take on new challenges and see the world through new eyes! Learn more about how you can become a free member by clicking here:

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