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Join a movement of people making the world a lot less lonely!

Membership meetings happen on the first Monday of every month at 7pm EST on Zoom.

What's this membership all about?

Members of The Human Connection Group are people from around the world who intentionally make it their goal to positively influence the lives of others by fostering deeper connections .  We don’t sit on the sidelines complaining about the fact that people are addicted to their devices, and don’t talk to each other anymore.  Been there, done that!  Instead, we actively engage our friends, family members, professional network, and even strangers on the street in meaningful conversation, so that others can experience deeper human connection.

How does it work?


As was mentioned above, our members definitely aim to raise their game with the conversations they are having with the people they know, but the bigger goal we all aim to achieve is having meaningful conversations with strangers.  All members take on this challenge together, and at the end of each month, we jump on a Zoom call, hosted by Human Connection Group founder Stuart Knight, to share stories, lessons and insights from those experiences.  As a tribe, we push each other past our comfort zones, and into conversations that change our lives, while changing the world.

What are the expectations of members?


The quick answer to that question is nothing!  We are simply here to provide you with the chance to level up, but whether you take it is entirely up to you.  Each month, members are given one specific question to incorporate into their conversations over the next 30 days.  Again, we push people to try it with people they know, but really push our members to ask that month’s question to a stranger, with the intention of spreading human connection past our inner circle.  At the end of the month, we reconvene over Zoom to hear how it went, and to inspire each other to keep going the following month. If you want to share your experience during a meeting, go for it!  If you want to sit back and listen, that’s cool too.  It really is as simple as that! 

What are the member benefits?


We are big believers that good things come to those who say yes!  More specifically, we believe that the more you say yes to life, the more life will say yes to you!  Below, you will find potential benefits that can come your way, if you choose to let them in.


  • Imagine attending a monthly meet-up with like minded people from around the world who want to make the same difference as you?  In what ways could that potentially change your life?


  • Saying yes to a conversation with a stranger will lead you to things you never even knew you wanted!


  • Embracing new friendships with other members of The Human Connection Group will help you achieve greater personal fulfillment, and expanded professional success.


  • Whether it’s a new book, travel opportunity, spiritual perspective, etc., allowing highly conscious people into your world helps you live a highly conscious life.


  • Making time each month to learn the risks members that are similar to yourself, have taken will inspire you to push yourself even further.


  • Listening to the stories, and experiences of other members, will lead you to an expanded view of yourself, and the world around you. 


  • Choosing to join a community of thoughtful people helps you experience the well researched benefits that come as a result, such as living longer, getting sick less often, having lower rates of stress, anxiety, depression and so much more!


  • Attending these monthly meetings will give you the chance to hear lessons and insights from Stuart Knight as he coaches you how to have powerful conversations.  He’s an award winning entrepreneur, national best selling author, and has spoken to over one million people around the world.


  • Members will get front of the line access to other Human Connection Group events, giving you more chances to say yes over and over again!

What happens after I sign up?


After signing up for your free membership, you will receive an email giving you all the specific details you will need to get started.  It’ll take about five minutes to read, and will leave you feeling informed and excited about the adventure you are about to take.  


You will also receive quick tips on how to take your conversations to the next level, so that when you begin engaging in membership challenges, you will have the tools you need to succeed.

What now?


If there is any part of you that wants to expand your awareness, raise your game, or simply see the world through wider eyes, why not give this a try?  As has been mentioned many times above, it is you who ultimately decides how much you want to get involved.  Baby steps are welcomed!  


Before you know it, this experience can be one that takes your life down a path of unexpected opportunities, greater fulfillment and a sense of alignment.  Ultimately, choosing to become a member of The Human Connection Group will actively establish deeper connections with others, the world around you, and yourself.

Let's do this!

Join a movement of people changing the world one meaningful conversation at a time.

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Don’t miss a thing. Join our tribe today. 

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Copyright 2024 Human Connection Group. All rights reserved.

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