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Rock It By Talking It! 

A high energy, hilarious and thought provoking keynote that helps organizations thrive by making personal bonds a priority.

After 25 years of speaking to audiences around the world, Stuart’s new keynote takes an even deeper dive into the science of human connection, and how it is the number one factor to organizational success and personal well being!

A keynote that checks all of these boxes:









Audience Takeaways

"Today, the world is less connected than ever before, and organizations that have the guts to create heart to heart relationships will surpass those who are operating from the old model."  

                                                         ~ Stuart Knight

Ready for a chin drop moment? Check out these stats...



Disengaged employees cost U.S. companies up to $550 billion a year.

Wouldn't you rather be enjoying these stats?

Production Crew


Employees with meaningful relationships at work are 12 times more productive at their job.

What are industry leaders saying about Stuart Knight?

"Stuart is able to reach out to a group that is diverse in both background and responsibilities and did so in a manner in which everyone was able to connect to what he was presenting"


~ Terry Villella, CFO, Mackenzie Health

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Ryan Garrah
VP, Copeland

"Stuart's presentations are a combination of entertainment, education, inspiration and fun. He provides a unique environment for individuals to maximize their inter-connections thus promoting ideas and alliances, while generating real momentum within the group."

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Sangeeta Shah
Director of Operational Excellence - Patient Services, Takeda Canada Inc.

"Stuart Knight has an incredible ability to help audiences see the power of authentic human connection. He is so engaging and real, and his impact can be transforming. Thank you Stuart for holding a mirror to ourselves and inspiring us in all aspects of our lives! "

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Stephen Cryne
President & CEO, Canadian Employee Relocation Council

"The majority of the delegates have been coming to this for over 10 years and many have told me that Stuart is the best speaker we've ever had." 

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Stephanie Hamel
Head of Inside Sales for Life and Living Benefits, Manulife

"The tips and tools he shared made an immediate impact on all those in attendance and many people shared in the days following just how much their conversations improved because of Stuart’s session.  His energy, professionalism and humour was so engaging; he was a highlight of our conference and one of our favorite keynote speakers to date."


About Stuart Knight

Twenty-six years ago Stuart Knight did something courageous, daring and uncommon. He listened to his heart. It told him that too many people were not living up to their potential, and he decided to do something about it.


At the ripe age of 24, with no money or experience, he wrote an inspiring theatre show for teenagers. Within a short amount of time it was picked up by Coca Cola and toured nationally for three years.


From there he decided to become the first Canadian ever to write and star in a musical that he produced in his own loft. No small feat considering he couldn’t play an instrument. It became the longest running play of its kind, and A-list influencers lined up to witness sold out shows in a theatre Stuart not only built, but also lived in.


During that time, some of the world’s biggest business leaders recognized Stuart as a visionary who could help their organization reach new levels of success. Since then, he has spoken in such cities as Sydney, Malta, Edinburgh, Mumbai, New York, Frankfurt and Las Vegas helping Fortune 500 companies learn what it takes to be the best.


It was at this point in his career that he wanted to do something that would help raise money for charities close to his heart, and decided to create the Top Ten Event.  The event has quickly grew into one of Canada’s "must see" productions, garnering over 30 million media impressions attracting such names as Jim Cuddy, Deepa Mehta, Mary Walsh, Steven Page and two time Oscar Award Winner Jane Fonda.


Along the way, Stuart wrote 2 critically acclaimed books, hosted a hit radio show, developed a sought after podcast, won entrepreneurial awards, and today has over 12,000 people around the world tuning in each week to watch his thought-provoking videos online.  As a disrupter, thought leader and maverick, Stuart Knight has inspired over one million people to reach greater success, find deeper joy and ultimately to boycott what they thought.

Recent Clients Include...

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How connected is your team?

Take this 4 minute survey to discover!


Is your organization ready to harness the power of human connection?

Let's Talk!

Schedule a complimentary 30 minute consultation with Stuart Knight to learn how his presentation can impact your next conference, meeting, or online event.

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